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As a photographer, I am fascinated by people and capturing the decisive moments that occur when I am interacting with these individuals. Within these moments, I am able to communicate different feelings such as intimacy, humor, pain, and confusion. Communicating these types of feelings will depend on my surroundings and the people I am surrounded by. Body language, facial expressions, and subtle gestures are key components that draw me to take these specific photographs. More often than not, I photograph people that are close to me and that I connect with on a personal level because I am interested in the people we choose to surround ourselves with. What is it about these people that draw this attraction?


Portrait photography allows me to be fully engaged with the people and the environment that I am surrounded by at that specific moment. It helps me to be physically present with the individuals that I am drawn to. It is my objective to capture and compose decisive moments within my camera frame that will entice my viewers to look more closely at my photographs. My intent is to create an image that my viewers can easily access, and then further appreciate. I want my audience to question their personal relationships with the individuals in their lives.


Throughout our lives, we form deep connections with people that share our common interests, but can essentially be very different from us. We all grow up in diverse environments, in which we are raised with different beliefs and morals. Some of these individuals become apart of our lives, while others fall by the wayside. I tend to question the brief interactions we experience with complete strangers or acquaintances and how that relates to the people we choose to keep in our lives. What is it exactly that creates the bond between our close friends and family that we don’t necessarily obtain with the rest of the world? Portrait photography allows me to investigate the individuals that I choose to surround myself with, and capture the pivotal moments that I share with them.

Artist Statement

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